Hello Internet!

Long time ago, cartographers used the expression «HIC SVNT DRACONES» to signify that dangerous or unexplored territories laid ahead. Probably this site is not going to worth a minute of your time, but it is the begging of a new exploration era, the exploration of myself.


Fastest way to reach me is via email at vehrka@gmail.com or twitter at @vehrka.

For professional purposes is better to use pj.ferrer.matoses@gmail.com .

About me

I am a father that enjoys Wargames, Beer, Project Management, Science, Cartography, among other things and not necessarily in that order.

You can find out something more About me


Sometimes I Talk in public


Cartography is one of my passions

This is me with an Attack on Titan t-shirt

Hi, I've just joined the Survey Corps